
When Fatima, Kimberly, and Nubia were at the beach party we all had the same enemy that we did not like and that talked about things that were not true. We were all enjoying the beach party, but then Fatima say one of her old friends from High School and wanted to greet her because it has been a long time seeing her. When our enemy that Fatima was going to greet her old friend from High School our enemy came up and started taking. At first we were just ignoring her because she was so annoying, but then she said i need to talk to you about Fatima. That’s when Nubia and Kimberly turned looked at each other and they said go on. Then our enemy started taking about how Fatima was taking behind our backs. That’s when we both started getting angry.

By February 21, 2019.  2 Comments on Conflict  Uncategorized   


  1. Nubia and Kimberly started walking towards Fatima and asked her nicely if she was talking behind her back. Then Fatima said, “Of course Not!!!!”. A few minutes later they all walked over there and confronted the enemy, she apoligized then they all hung out after wards. The End.

  2. A solution can be: After a couple of minutes, when they cooled down, Nubia and Kimberly went to confront Fatima. Fatima said to calm down and it wasn’t true. Then Fatima brings that girl who started this. Ummm..well……..let’s say things didn’t go well after. They all progressively started getting more and more mad. Next thing you know, everyone is recording them dragging each other. The DJ from the party played a nice song that was special. It was special because it was a song that always brought the three girls together (Nubia, Fatima, and Kimberly.) They all stopped fighting, apologized, and gave each other a hug. They said to forget this ever happened, and they all ended up eating McDonald’s at midnight.🎉🤤

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